
(Picture Credit: AleksandarNakic/Getty Images) Forget about witches and zombies; a seemingly innocuous bag of candy can be one of the scariest things that enters a dog parent’s home on Halloween. Calls to the Pet Poison Hotline increase twelve percent during the week of Halloween, making it the center’s busiest time of the year. We all
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) If you see a dog locked in a hot car, you’ll probably want to do something to save that pup. Every year dogs die in hot cars, even though many states have created laws that make it a crime to leave a dog in a hot car. Before you immediately start smashing
(Picture Credit: Angelika Rózanecka / EyeEm/Getty Images) Summer is great for spending more time outside, for both you and your dog. Unfortunately, some uninvited guests will also likely show up to your summer outings. Citronella is a common deterrent for pests like mosquitoes. But do you need to worry about it negatively affecting your dog?
(Picture Credit: Peerakit JIrachetthakun/Getty Images) Anyone who’s watched a flash flood wash away a house in minutes knows the destructive power of these natural disasters. Flooding can be a very frightening situation for people and their dogs, but there are thankfully many ways to prepare for this weather event. The best thing dog parents can
(Picture Credit: Tim Graham/Getty Images) As warmer summertime temperatures approach, it’s important to remember that dogs are vulnerable to injuries and illnesses related to hot weather. In summer, dogs are more at risk for conditions like dehydration, sunburn, foot pad burns, and heat stroke. Heat stroke, which can cause organ failure, seizures, brain damage, hemorrhages, blindness,
(Picture Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images) Tornadoes are some of the most destructive storms that households have to manage. These funnels can sustain extremely high wind speeds that may destroy an entire building in the course of a few minutes. It is not surprising that pets find this type of storm particularly stressful to experience. Fortunately,
(Photo By: Education Images/UIG via Getty Images) For outdoorsy dog lovers, hiking with a canine companion is the perfect way to spend a weekend. Getting some exercise while experiencing the majestic natural world is fun on its own, but doing it with your best furry friend at your side elevates the experience to awesome. Hiking