
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Tasty treats are a great way to liven up your cat’s day. At my house, everyone gathers for a bed-time treat. We also use treats to reward Max, our grouchy Siberian, for allowing us to groom him. Many of our friends use cat treats to introduce their
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Ever wonder what inspired the invention of the first covered cat litter box? Did someone lower a dome over the litter box to reduce the odor? Were they hoping to give a timid cat some privacy? Were they simply trying to stop litter from flying all over
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. This post was originally published on April 19, 2019, and was updated on March 17, 2020. I’ll never forget the summer morning when I came out to find a nearly perfect tomato on the vine. After babying the tomato plant all season, I finally had my first
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Who doesn’t love a massage? Your dog sure does! Massages can be part of your dog’s regular grooming routine and, best of all, serve as great bonding time for the two of you. We’ve rounded up some of the best dog massage tools to relax and soothe
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. Not a substitute for professional veterinary help. As a dog owner, you’ve probably encountered plenty of eye gunk and tear stains on your dog. Often a swipe with a clean, damp washcloth (never fingers or cotton balls) will do the trick. But for more stubborn stains—or even eye irritation—there
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here. You’re not the only one who could use a mani-pedi! Your dog’s grooming routine is an important part of their overall health. Keeping your dog’s nails in check is a necessary part of their well-being—and yours too. (Long, stabby nails are not compatible with skin, clothes, or floors!)