
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Neutering is a simple surgical procedure that sterilizes a male dog so he’s incapable of parenting puppies. “The big snip,” as some people call it, provides many benefits beyond making sure dogs don’t become puppy daddies. Neutering can cut the risk of certain diseases, unwanted behaviors, and conflicts with other dogs.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Gingivitis in dogs is an inflammation of the gums and the early stage of a gum disease called periodontal disease. It’s very common in dogs and is treatable. Although, if left untreated, it can develop into advanced periodontal disease, which can lead to teeth loss. Gingivitis is caused by bacteria that
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Bone cancer in dogs, also known as osteosarcoma, is a condition that results in an abnormal, malignant growth of immature bone cells. It’s an extremely deadly and aggressive form of cancer that can easily metastasize, meaning it can spread to other parts of the body, especially the lungs. Usually bone cancer
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Acupuncture is a therapeutic process during which a practitioner inserts fine needles into your dog’s body to help control pain and cure chronic ailments. It’s a very old practice in humans and in animals; something very much like acupuncture was practiced in India more than 7,000 years ago, and there is
(Picture Credit: Liliboas/Getty Images) A spay surgery prevents female dogs from getting pregnant by removing both the ovaries and the uterus. Some people refer to it as getting your dog “fixed.” It’s not as simple as the neuter surgery the guy dogs get–in fact, it’s major surgery–but your darling girl will only be affected for
(Picture Credit: JoeChristensen/Getty Images) These days, most pet owners consider spaying and neutering to be the norm for dogs. That’s a good thing. Thanks to education and advancements in spaying and neutering procedures–along with help from the No Kill Movement–the rate of dogs euthanized in shelters due to overpopulation fell by 90 percent over the
(Picture Credit: Hillary Kladke/Getty Images) Hydrotherapy, or water cure, for dogs is a form of occupational or physiotherapy that uses water resistance to rehabilitate injuries and relieve pain. From Greek roots, the word hydrotherapy means “water healing.” But does this type of therapy have benefits for dogs? In fact, there are many benefits of hydrotherapy
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) World Spay Day is observed on the fourth Tuesday in February every year. In 2020, that falls on February 25th. It’s a day to promote awareness and encourage pet owners to have their female animals spayed–as well as neutering their male pets–to keep the pet population under control. Every year, hundreds of
(Picture Credit: LuckyBusiness/Getty Images) Canine mammary tumors or mammary neoplasms are among the most common type of lesions found in female dogs. They arise from different types of tissues — epithelial or glandular tissues and mesenchymal or connective tissues — in the mammary gland. Intact dogs are seven times more likely to contract the disease