Bear Sighting in Maine Turns out to Be a Bear of a Big Fuzzy Dog


The good folks of Islesboro, Maine, may have wanted to sing, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” the famous line from The Wizard of Oz, after the sighting of a bear.

It was on Aug. 6 that the supposed bear was seen on the island’s Pendleton Point Road, and the Islesboro Department of Public Safety was called and responded.

Posted by Islesboro Department of Public Safety on Friday, August 7, 2020

They sprang into action with a warning posted on its Facebook page: “As you know bears are not common visitors to Islesboro. Until we are able to confirm the information obtained during the investigation please keep your pets under your control and trash covered. The sighting was south of Christ Church on Pendleton Point Road. Fred”

The post was followed by some funny comments:

“Knock it off Fred. Not funny!!!” read one.

Another commented: “This is just unbearable.”

And, probably the most appropriate one for the times read: “2020 carries on…”

So, who was this uncommon bear on the island, anyway?

Well, the culprit was discovered the very next day. And, it wasn’t a bear at all. Not even close. Not a lion nor a tiger either.

It was Sugar, a Bouvier des Flanders with curly black hair, spotted running around without a leash. Her owner Bentley Drezner had to help reign her in.

Posted by Islesboro Department of Public Safety on Friday, August 7, 2020

The next day, the Islesboro Department of Public Safety chimed in with a tongue in cheek Facebook post that read: “This is Sugar, we believe Sugar might of been evading mom and scaring the daylights out of people posing as a bear yesterday. Given the information obtained from mom and the witnesses we have determined it was sugar. This case has been closed, sugar was not charged with any crime and needs extra milk bones for not being a big ole bear. Thank you, Bentley for your assistance.”

Hopefully, Sugar is back home with mom and, fingers crossed, she won’t start any more trouble.

Don’t tell Sugar about Sasquatch, as it might give her ideas. It’s just about the last thing the people of Islesboro need now or ever.

Featured photo courtesy of Bentley Drezner.

Further Reading

Can You Find the Hidden Dogs in These 12 Photos?

This Dog Just Broke The Guinness World Record For “Most Tennis Balls Held In The Mouth”

Meet Tiny Tim and Big Ben, the Swimming Dynamic Dog Duo

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